Inspired by the European spirt of mutual understanding, intercultural dialog and interuniversity networking, the University of Basel, Switzerland and the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, decided in 2023 to establish and develop enhanced partnership. They agreed to cooperate in the field of scientific research and to develop contacts between academic staff of both institutions and to develop the exchange of students and participants of various postgraduate programs by organizing summer courses and other programs.

Both universities, belonging to the most important academic institutions in their countries, and located in cities characterized by academic spirt and traditions but also dynamic, future oriented economies, share a deep feeling of responsibility to promote pan-European dialog and actively contribute to the better future.
Contact persons
At the University of Basel:
Dr. Marc Frick, EPICUR project coordinator: marc.frick@unibas.ch
At the Adam Mickiewicz University:
- Prof. Jarosław Jańczak at the University of Basel
- Prof. Martin Luginbühl from the University of Basel at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, AMU
- Students of the University of Basel at the Adam Mickiewicz University
- Students of the Faculty of Political Science AMU at the University of Basel
- Agreement between Adam Mickiewicz University and the University of Basel